Flowers, Cards, Books, and Candles…

Birthday Flowers!

…to say nothing of phone calls and messages and lunch dates and laughter!  I guess not many people have had 87 birthdays so, the way I figure it, they wanted a little piece of my action.  And I was more than willing to share!

I had such a good time.  And it even snowed for me!  The first snowfall I ever remember on February 28th.  Of course, we did move from Newton Center, Mass, when I was three so I don’t know about those first three birthdays.  But I can tell you for sure that the next 84 birthdays in California’s Bay Area and on the banks of Willapa Bay were snow-free.

Birthday Candles and Books!

This morning, though, Carol and Tucker were visiting for a few minutes and Tucker, looking across the room and through the window and said, “It’s snowing!  And it’s so pretty!”

“It’ll be prettier through the east windows,” I said.  And it was.  So, we spent the next bit of time going from window to window comparing which view was the most beautiful — huge flakes everywhere, but not sticking anyplace.  We were so busy oohing and aahing, none of us took any pictures!

Birthday Cards!

Lunch at the pub with my good friend Miki.  Home to answer emails and phone messages and… oh my!  Too full of steak/frites to think about dinner.  A call from son Charlie and… tomorrow there will be more celebrating!  Hard to believe.

Birthday e-cards!

Thank you, everyone — for today and for all the yesterdays I have depended on you and the tomorrows that I will count on you.  You are the best!

3 Responses to “Flowers, Cards, Books, and Candles…”

  1. Shine On, Star of Oysterville!!! And Happy Birthday from all your cousins, friends, relations, tribal members and other creatures!!! Love from All of Us!!! KK

  2. Isabelle Le Corguillé says:

    I’m sure you have many happy birthdays to come, Sydney ! And that you’ll keep writing books and posts in your blog . You are an amazing, talented lady. Bonne journée !

  3. Louise Labby Carroll says:


    Oh the many years I have read your blog and been amused and informed. As a long time Seaview vacation homeowner, your blog has exposed me to the wonderful history of the peninsula and the local happenings. I’m not down there as often as in the past so the blog makes me feel closer. May your birthdays be many and may you continue to find your way through the loss you’ve endured. Your spirit is certainly intact! Happy Birthday!

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