Older But Probably No Wiser

Bad planning on our part — that’s what is was.  We definitely should have taken a day after my birthday for that new bit of wisdom to arrive.  You know.  That old “older and wiser” adage that we grew up to believe in. But we didn’t wait and, if it did arrive, we didn’t notice.

It was a Tuesday — one of the “every other” Tuesdays when we go across the river to do errands.  Yesterday we had three on this side, on our way, and four on the other side.  Seven.  Count ’em:  OBH Lab Work (for Nyel), Post Office, Library, Doctor (for Nyel), Liquor Store (for me), Fred Meyer’s,  and Gas.

Had I waited for Wisdom to show up, I’d have bagged most of those.  As it was, when the doctor (we’ll call her Dr. Ego for now) tried to blow Nyel off for the third time in three weeks — not showing up for the appt. but sending 1st a nurse assistant; 2nd, the assistant AGAIN; and yesterday her Physician’s Assistant… I finally had a Great Big Noisy Fit.  Even Nyel said (calmly), “We are outta here.”

But before he could re-button his shirt, nurses and assistants and goodness-knows-who-all raised the alarm apparently and, amazingly,  Dr. Ego, herself, showed up!  She made no eye contact with me, you betcha.  (Forget what they tell you about being a patient advocate!  You actually have NO status whatsoever.)  She spoke only with Nyel, blamed his cardiologist in Seattle for her behavior, etc. etc. Unbelievable.  The situation is not resolved.  Meanwhile, Nyel is stuck in the middle and needing… well, never mind.  Stay tuned.

By the time we got home and got the groceries stowed, we were both too tired to think about dinner.  Jeopardy was pre-empted by the State of the Union and related messages.  We decided we were too tired for any of it, took our books and a cup of tea and were off to bed.  (So maybe Wisdom did finally arrive after all!)

2 Responses to “Older But Probably No Wiser”

  1. Cassin Espy says:

    How dreadful, Sydney and Nyel. I don’t know what’s happened to Doctors. Their attitudes are so harmful and frustrating. Their oath says to “do no harm”, yet by their very lack of responsiveness to people, their arrogance, they do great harm. You try and reach them. They never return the call. It’s as though, “Listen up. You’re so lucky to have me.” is stamped on their foreheads. You should see what Joey goes through. It’s about as destructive as the cancer she’s fighting! And Sydney, as her advocate, I, too have lost it!

    I know I’m generalizing here. Of course, there are good doctors…….Right???? Where the Eff ARE THEY?????

    I’m so sad that you are going through this……….

    Much love to you both,


  2. sydney says:

    Thanks for the empathy, Cass — and back at you a hundredfold! Fortunately we do have one REALLY good doctor here on the Peninsula. Unfortunately, he is not a cardiologist which is Nyel’s greatest need right now. Nor are the little hospitals around here set up for complex cardio problems. Or, actually, complex ANY kind of problems. So… it’s a choice and a trade-off. I feel a tad guilty about bitching on my blog, but when I get all the feedback from loved ones and friends who are saying they feel the same way, I feel like it’s parobably a good thing SOMEone speaks out once in a while.
    Much love to you!

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