It used to be…

Sick girl in bed

Remember when you were feeling puny and the words to live by were “take two aspirin and call me in the  morning…”?

Now, if you are just a skosh off your normal, exuberant self, people immediately ask “Have you taken a Covid test?” and then cancel that coffee date you were counting on in the morning.

And just when things were settling down — when we could once again recognize our friends because they weren’t all masked up like Ninjas — and the headlines were telling us that the worst was over IF we’d been vaxxed and re-vaxxed, boosted once, twice, triply, and stayed off airplanes and out of crowds — then here came a host of other concerns!

Long Covid, for instance.  Supposedly non-contagious.  Supposedly only affects those who successfully got through Covid (or is that an oxymoron?) and for which there are no answers to the obvious questions like how long?   Or why me?

When I began sleeping round the clock a few months back and ached in every muscle, bone and orifice, I was finally told (but not by a member of the medical community) that it might be my body’s reaction to an anti-toxin overload. Say what?  Well, it’s true that my first bout with this dread-whatever-it-is began two days after my third booster (with which I also had a flu shot.)  So… maybe so.

Do I accept that it’s (in some way) Covid related?  No, of course not.  Do I honestly expect someone from the medical community to tell me what is going on?  Repeat second sentence of this paragraph.

And having written all of this — it’s high time for another nap.

One Response to “It used to be…”

  1. Jenny Valencourt says:

    I didn’t see this post, I swear. And am sorry I couldn’t have done a damn thing, Sydney.

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