Dr. Ego Redux

In my mind we were done with Dr. Ego.  As in over and out.  But Nyel did dutifully report to Dr. Trusted — his cardiologist in Seattle who had been hoping that Nyel could find a “back-up” doctor here.  Someone who would be closer in case of an emergency.  Since Dr. Ego had not been contacted directly by Dr. Trusted and we were apparently at a stalemate, Nyel asked Dr. Trusted if he would call.  And yesterday afternoon, apparently, Dr. Trusted talked to Dr. Ego and, in short order, the following things happened:

  • Dr. Trusted’s assistant called Nyel to say that the two doctors had decided that the Astoria hospital was not up to the complications of Nyel’s situation, should he need “back-up” in certain situations.  And, btw, the EKG that Dr. Ego’s team gave Nyel revealed that his heart is no longer in Sinus (normal) rhythm; it is now in A-Fib (Atrial Fibrilation).
  • Dr.Ego’s assistant called Nyel and said that she wanted him to increase the amount of a certain meditation to 5 milliequivalents  daily.  I heard only Nyel’s  response:  I already take 600 milliequivalents of that med every day!” (Did he raise his voice just a tad?)  And when the assistant said she’d check back with Dr. Ego, Nyel said (and, this time, definitely in an elevated tone) “And would you ask her why no one bothered to tell me that I am in A-fib???” 
  • Wonder of wonders, Dr. Ego, herself, soon called and said that the assistant had gotten the meds mixed up — it was this med not that med. (Isn’t there something about a professional taking the blame for the mistakes of their worker-bees and NOT passing the buck?)  And, the reason, Dr. Ego claimed, that she had not mentioned that Nyel was in A-fib was because he had been in A-Fib before.  SAY WHAT???

So, by that logic, if a test revealed that the patient had cancer and if he had suffered from cancer in the past, the doctor would not bother to mention it the new situation????   And why was she still trying to dink around with his meds if she can’t be his back-up doctor (at least not all of the time) because the hospital isn’t up to it (in at least certain situations)????

I really have no more words on this subject…


One Response to “Dr. Ego Redux”

  1. This scene is devastating to read. It orders on mal practice. I would hope for you that you could find a new backup doctor.

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