The Beauties and Beasties of August

Photo by Marta LaRue

So far, August has been the best of times and the worst of times in our South Garden.  Thanks to our Garden Girls — their suggestions, their heavy lifting, and their relentless weed-and-critter patrol — our flower beds have never been more seductive.  The colors and textures and sizes — oh my!

Mole Tracks – Photo by Head Tracker

However, (not that I think the one is related to the other) never have the mole-people been so active in that particular area of paradise.  I don’t for a minute think that they pop their little heads up from their underground construction biz to take a look at the beauty above them.  After all, everyone knows they are short-sighted and would probably miss the entire wonder-of-it-all.  No, I just think it’s our dumb luck to be Mole Magnet Heaven.  Again!

Photo by Marta LaRue

We actually had a bit of a mole break last year.  But this year… where in the world did they come from, anyway?  And why don’t they congregate a few feet to the south in the lane where nobody cares?  I think they are purposeful in their nightly maneuvers but so far, anyway, Nyel and I haven’t heard their bugle call to assembly.

And right when we are planning to do most of our own congregating outside!  Assuming the weather will cooperate.  And right in the South Garden, too.  Curses on the mole people, I say!  There are wide open spaces nearby and, certainly, more beautiful gardens in which they could bivouac.  FttM!  Frustrating to the Max!

2 Responses to “The Beauties and Beasties of August”

  1. Cathy Kary says:

    Beautiful pictures of your flowers

  2. Mrs. Marilyn Tower Oliver says:

    Your garden looks beautiful. Here in So Cal my garden is getting kind of old as summer draws to a close, I do have a lot of pink flowers…lilies, cosmos in my front garden.
    Thanks for you newsy blogs.

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