On Being a Commuter… and a Regular!

SRO for Bayside Singers at Memorial Day Program

The Bayside Singers Perform for SRO Crowd in Oysterville

Day 31 — In our Sunday Night “conference call” last night, Charlie and Marta both remarked that I was almost “commuting” between Portland and Oysterville these days.  Well, not quite.  But it is true that this morning I made the 135 mile trip from St. Vincent’s to Oysterville for the third time in the last eight days.  Still… not quite commuting or at least so I thought until I made my usual pit stop at Safeway in Seaside.

After a dash to use the facilities I went to the Starbuck’s window and, before I could utter a word, the barista said, “Do you want your usual — a tall decaf mocha, double shot, no whipped cream?”  “Yes!” I said in amazement!  “How did you know?”

“Well,” he said.  “I wouldn’t remember your name even if you had told me, “but I’m usually pretty good at remembering what our regulars order.”  Wow!  So, maybe I am a commuter after all!

Sydney Reading “In Flanders Fields”

On this particular morning I headed right for the Oysterville Church where I had promised to take Nyel’s place in reciting (in my case, reading not reciting) “In Flanders Fields” as part of the Ninth Annual Memorial Day Program.

Afterwards, I again substituted for “General” Nyel, explaining to the crowd how we happened to form The Honorary Oysterville Militia and get the cannon in preparation for Oysterville’s Sesquicentennial in 2004    Pvt. Tucker Wachsmuth was the one who took charge of the cannon firing with the special help and  support of Capt. Ron Biggs, Lt. Pat McKibbin, Chaplain, Lt. Phil Coffin and neighbor Mark Seifried.  Nyel called shortly afterwards and swore that the bang could be heard clear off in Portland!  (No doubt it was the meds talking… but never mind.)

General Nyel and The Cannon in Plummier Days

Patient Nyel also reported that they are gradually shifting from IVs to oral meds in preparation for his move to a rehab or swing bed facility.  Fingers and toes crossed — it may happen later this week!

One Response to “On Being a Commuter… and a Regular!”

  1. Diane Buttrell says:

    The fact that you made the trip, in spite of difficulties, made a very special event even more special. Thank you for being there.

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