What could be better?

It’s President’s Day!  It’s a holiday!  The sun is shining here in Oysterville and I can’t think of a single place I’d rather be spending the day.  And besides all that, two of my favorite people have been here visiting.

First came a phone call from Tucker.  “Are you available for a few minutes?” he asked.  “I have a couple of things to talk to you about.”  Within five minutes the doorbell rang and there he was with a book to return and an actual list in his hands — the topics he wanted to talk about, just in case we got off on a tangent and he forgot his purpose.  (Which often happens when we get to visiting…)

Tucker and Carol

His list included: 1) a Christmas tree ornament he’d found and yes, it was ours;  2) a big truck that’s been stopping in front of our house about 10 o’clock at night with lights on and motor running and no, we had no idea;  3) an annual meeting of the Oysterville Cemetery Association in May; 4) a question regarding re-purchase by the Assn of a cemetery plot.

I added one of my own — my delight that he and Carol had auditioned for the Readers Theater production of “American Dream.” Also, we talked about the rehearsal coming up on Thursday afternoon at the Ocean Park Timberland Library.  It should be great fun.

Maggie Stuckey

Tucker left just before lunchtime and, shortly afterwards, Maggie arrived right at the time we had agreed upon.  She and I, as we often do, caught up with our latest writing/publishing challenges.  Maggie is always 100% reassuring to me, a total neophyte in comparison to her years in the publishing biz.  She always makes me feel like I know what I’m doing even though (don’t tell her) I really haven’t a clue.

It was the best possible way to spend the middle hours of President’s Day.  I truly hope all of my friends and relations got as much enjoyment out of this day as did I.  ¡Viva los presidentes!

One Response to “What could be better?”

  1. Bruce Jones says:

    So what did Maggie say about the 500 book purchase requirement, and all that’s been happening with Ghost Stories 2?

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