Thanks for asking!

Internet Down!

The wires (actually, the wireless) have been humming on the way to our house — so many readers asking if everything is okay.   Wrote our friend Ruth:  I checked your blog and found that your last one was 4 days ago…What is happening? We’re concerned. Praying, sending love and hopes for good news.

I am so sorry for my silence and want to assure everyone that all is well.  The first three no-blog-days were due to no internet service.  Yesterday, for some reason, was “just one of those days!”  Time ran out and before I could get to the computer I hit a wall and went to bed instead of  blogging.

It probably boils down to Time Management or lack thereof.  Yesterday, for instance, I needed to get the car across the river for servicing by 10 a.m. (Check!), drive home to get Nyel and take him across the river to have him measured at Evergreen Prosthetics and Orthotics for another “platform shoe (Check!);” take a load of stuff to Goodwill (Check!); do some necessary shopping at CostCo (Check!); go to the Pharmacy and Jacks and do some recycling (Check! Check! And Check!).  Too much for one day but this morning my car goes to George Hill for some repairs and we will be home-bound at least until Friday.

Betwixt and between all of that, of course, were coop duties, meal duties, put-away-the-grocery duties, check the rat trap duties, and, most important of all,  the nursing duties.  Unfortunately, Nyel’s MSSA infection (a gift from St. Vincent’s) has returned and that requires additional dressing changes etc. etc.  “They”  are not prescribing antibiotics “yet” hoping his own immune system will kick in…

Dumb Cluck Svetlana – Still Broody 

Long story short: no time for blogging.  Maybe not having a car will free up some time in the next few days and I can catch up to myself.  Meanwhile… Thanks for asking how Nyel is doing.  I apologize for not keeping up.

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