Hip, Heart, Hallucinations

Nyel and Physical Therapist 3-7-19

This morning begins Nyel’s eighth full day as a patient at Providence St. Vincent’s Hospital in Portland.  When he arrived in the wee hours of March 1st, the focus (of course) was his broken hip.  That has been repaired and all protocols have been put in place for his healing and eventual recovery.

Once the hip was repaired, his orthopedic team was alerted by his Number One Advocate (that would be me) that perhaps a bigger issue might be his long-term congestive heart failure.  Eventually, a staff cardiologist was consulted and has weighed in on matters such as diuretics and blood thinners and other medications.  Yesterday there were some dramatic changes.

Most gratifying was a twelve-pound fluid loss in a twelve-hour period.  Yay!  That slowed down to a three-pound loss last night but, gradually the 27-pound accumulation of fluids is diminishing!  Today they are re-starting his blood-thinners which is also a huge relief to me, though the ortho team has assured me that his system has retained enough to prevent clots. (I would like to hear that from his UW cardiologist or even from the consulting heart man here.)

Casey Comes Visiting 3-8-19

During all of this, patient Farmer Nyel, has been enduring severe muscle spasms around his left hip.  They have given him muscle relaxants to help that situation but he had a surprising reaction.  After a period of deep (unable-to-be-aroused) sleep, he informed everyone that he had been visiting a monastery that was apparently under restoration.  “There were stained glass windows on the wall to my rightt and there was a lot of scaffolding behind me.”

He also reported having several conversations with staff members whom he knew, even at the time, were not present in the room.  In fact, at one point, he appeared to be asleep and reached out to accept something (a glass of water?) as he said with eyes still closed, “I believe I’m hallucinating again.  There’s no one there is there?”  It wasn’t scary – not to him or to those of us observing him – but it was decidedly weird.  They have changed muscle relaxants so we shall see…

All in all, Nyel’s care seems more inclusive and we are seeing some positive progress.  His work with the therapists – occupational and physical – has picked up after skipping that day of deep sleep and interesting visions.  Yay!  Back on track.  The Homeward Track we hope.

2 Responses to “Hip, Heart, Hallucinations”

  1. YAAYYYY!!!!! What good news!!! I am so glad for both of you!!! Need any books? magazines? plays? food delivered? exciting toys? Just let me know, they WILL be provided… All Love and Best Wishes for Full Recovery!!! KK

  2. Jan/Betty Paxton says:

    Sydney- when I saw your post a few days ago I thought it was the old one about his leg. Not until tonight when I saw the X-ray did I run back through the last 3 posting! Yikes !!! Betty and I pray for you both every evening at dinner but didn’t know we had to do double duty in that department until now! Betty will put in extra prayer duty on Wednesdays too when her Catholic Church visitors bring her communion! I’ll be putting in extra prayers too through my Presbyterian bible study group ! Know you are loved and hugged from afar….B. & J

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