Back in the Swing!

By Vicki Carter

As I looked around the room to see where Nyel had gotten to, I was overtaken by such a joyous and familiar feeling!  We were at the Art Opening at the Picture Attic surrounded by familiar faces, Fred Carter’s music, walls of bright, inviting paintings and… around the corner a huge table laden with finger foods of every description.  And there was Nyel – on his own two feet, looking over the food possibilities with great interest.

This was our first actual “outing” since Nyel broke his leg on October 3rd.  During the first three months, while he was wheelchair-bound, our only forays beyond the house were the obligatory doctor visits.  More recently, he’s been transitioning to leg-brace and cane, but still in the house.  Last night, though… wow!  Everyone at the Picture Attic was there for the Art Show, but in my mind, it was Nyel’s coming out (in the old-fashioned ‘into society’ sense) party!

(And, speaking of ‘old-fashioned, I just hate it that I feel compelled to explain what I mean these days when I use perfectly good expressions like “coming out.”  So many words and phrases seem to have been co-opted by younger generations and now have taken on new and, sometimes, nefarious meanings.  But I digress.)

Jean Nitzel

I felt that things were absolutely back to normal!  Me, hugging and schmoozing and enjoying the people.  Nyel, gravitating toward a quieter space and the food!  Both of us taking in the art and thinking to ourselves that we’d have to come back to really see what was there.  And both of us gratified in ways that we probably can’t explain that our long-time friend, recently-widowed Jean Nitzel, Picture Attic owner and hostess of the evening’s event, looked to be glowing in the success of the evening!  Another community role model, for sure!

We didn’t stay long but it was a start.  A re-entry into the fun of the Peninsula!  Bring it on!

5 Responses to “Back in the Swing!”

  1. Jean says:

    So glad you could come and be part of the big party! I was thrilled with the turnout and support. Love Fred Carter’s music and Vicki’s artwork. All of our artists have given me their encouragement and support and I love what has happened in our gallery. It is an honor to represent every one of them. Will see you again!

  2. Karin Marasco says:

    So glad to ready the good news that your Nyel is up and himself again and that Jean was present with her event! Good news for all!! Hugs all around !! Karin

  3. sydney says:

    Karin, It’s always a pleasant surprise to hear from you and brings back memories of my first days in OBSD and working with your mom. Thanks for reaching out! Hope, you are also doing well!

  4. Mary Evelyn says:

    You, Nyel and Jean are such inspirations! Go guys & Gals.

  5. Vay David says:

    So glad to see that all is well!

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