Out of sync, as usual…

San Rafael High School Friends, 1952

Wow!  These past twenty-four FaceBook hours have been pretty amazing – and not in a good way.  So much anger unleashed by women I have always known to be steady and fair-minded.  So many ancient nightmares dredged up.  So many demands being made.

I, too, remember when I was in high school.  I never once attended a “house party” or tasted beer or was assaulted by a boy, never mind two at the same time.  Yet, I was reasonably popular, served on the student council, went to all the dances (held in the high school gym), “went steady” and wore my boyfriend’s letterman jacket, “parked” for a little (consensual) necking after a milkshake at King Cotton drive-in.  Our high school “culture” was a lot different than what my friends and loved ones seem to remember.  Granted, most are younger than I.  But still…

It’s hard for me to believe, much less to empathize, with Mrs. Ford.  I think her hippocampus talk threw me off.  Sounded suspiciously like babble speak to me.  It’s equally hard for me to take Judge Kavanaugh too seriously – especially when he equated tooth-brushing with church-going.  (Alike because one keeps you from getting cavities and the other keeps you from going to hell???)  Have we really reduced the national dialogue to he-said-she-said raillery?

Rambleer Baseball Team, SRHS 1951

But, mostly, I am appalled that my women friends have bought into this circus so completely.  I do not want Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because I do not want our highest judicial court to be seriously skewed to the right.  Period.  But I am saddened by the depths we are sinking to ensure that the nomination of the current candidate is not confirmed.  Shame on all of us!  And, most especially, shame on the women who have worked so hard for equal rights. We seem to have made “equal behavior” part of the equation.  I can’t be the only woman (or man, for that matter) who had expected more.

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