Ruts? Routines? Confusion?

Day Nurse, Holly

The older I get, the more I am noticing the many opportunities for confusion.  Not just the run-of-the-mill sorts of confusion like ‘Damn! Where did I leave the car?’ or ‘I remember leaving that rake right here!’  No, I’m talking about confusion of a much more basic sort.  It involves the wisdom of professionals and those who profess to have expertise in the important matters of life.  Like ageing.

Nestor, The Food Host

For instance, there is a lot of discussion by mental health professionals on the benefits of establishing (and sticking to) routines.  They say that routines give a structure and natural flow to the day.  On the other hand, there is lots of advice ‘out there’ cautioning us not to get into a rut.  “We’re all guilty of it… We do the same old things day in, day out, socialize with the same people, visit the same restaurants and even go on holiday to the same spot year-in, year-out” said one site I visited.

So, where is the line between ‘rut’ and ‘routine’?  I thought about that this morning as I woke up here in Nyel’s hospital room.  “Four ayem.  Time for Tanner-the-lab-technician to come for a blood draw.”  And so, the day begins.  Predictable almost down to the minute.  Shortly after that, vital signs – blood pressure, oxygen level, temperature – and the scale is wheeled in for weight. Seven ayem: the day nurse is introduced, although during this six-day period there hasn’t been a ‘new’ one so it’s been more of a renewal of acquaintance and update of symptoms.

Velma, The Housekeeper

Eight Ayem: vital signs again.  Nine Ayem: the nurse brings medications.  Nine-thirty:  housekeeping comes to tidy up.  Ten-thirty: food service host comes for lunch order.  Noon: vital signs again and arrival of lunch.  Four P.M.: vital signs again.  Four-thirty: food service host comes for dinner order and next day’s breakfast order.  Six P.M.: dinner arrives.  Seven P.M.: shift change and meet the new (not this visit) night nurse.  Eight P.M.: vital signs. Nine P.M..: meds. Twelve Midnight: vital signs.  And the next day begins.

It’s the routine here at Emanuel and, by my reckoning, it’s all good.  Perhaps that’s what distinguishes it from a rut.  Maybe the rut is that Nyel seems to be on an endless cycle of hospital visits – also all good, too, but with of goal of breaking the cycle.  As I say… it’s confusing.

One Response to “Ruts? Routines? Confusion?”

  1. Janice Leonard says:

    And you guys are scheduled to sleep when?! Glad I’m not on that schedule. I would be known as that grumpy woman!

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